Tuesday, February 24, 2009


As I am doing nothing this morning, I actually checked out my Star Trek 11 widget and realized that it was only 73 days away from release.......................Whoooweee!!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Oscar Pics Review

Apparently I am too sentimental and Mickey Rourke didn't win....He had just lost his 18 yo pet chihuahua 6 days ago so I was really really rooting for him, enough so that I gave up and went to bed before 10pm because I couldn't stand the stress. Same with Marissa Tomei, I thought it was a way better part than My Cousin Vinny, but I missed that one, too.

I got Slumdog and Kate Winslet!! Wall-E and best song!

Oh, whatever, I hit and missed, but it was fun playing.....Still want to see The Wrestler and will probably see Milk eventually, but that is about it.....

I did see Robert Pattinson on the before stuff....Love the accent and the hair was not too crazy this time....

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Will I stay up for it all, I seriously doubt it, but here are my official picks.....for a bunch of movies that I haven't seen at all...........

2009 Oscar Ballot - Pick the Flicks
1. Best picture: .“Slumdog Millionaire.” Everyone is talking about it-haven't seen it..

2. Actor in a leading role: Mickey Rourke, “The Wrestler.” Supposed to be excellent. Sounds like he deserves it.

3. Actor in a supporting role: Robert Downey Jr., “Tropic Thunder.”Heath Ledger, “The Dark Knight.” I've heard both ways. A comeback year for Robert Downey Jr. A death for Heath Ledger....Dark Knight was good, so was the character....Robert Downey Jr is always good...I just can't pick.

4. Actress in a leading role: Kate Winslet, “The Reader.” She is everywhere. The book was pretty good. I am going with her.

5. Actress in a supporting role: Marisa Tomei, “The Wrestler.” Proves she wasn't a fluke for My Cousin Vinny. Once again, want to see the movie. She is supposed to be really great

6. Animated feature film: "WALL-E." A different kind of movie......haven't seen it, but Oscar goes for different.

7. Best director: Danny Boyle, “Slumdog Millionaire.” It is everywhere. Will go with it.

8. Original score: “Slumdog Millionaire.”

9. Original song: Jai Ho,” “Slumdog Millionaire." Heard this peppy little ditty and will go with it.

10. Visual effects: “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." Supposed to be interesting special effects with Brad Pitt.

11. Adapted screenplay: "Frost/Nixon." Supposed to be a better play than movie...

12. Original screenplay: "Milk." Has to win something...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Why do I let myself work in a public health environment where I can be treated so poorly by some patients? I was about in tears with one patient today. She could barely put a coherent thought together, and that took effort, and she was just plain and simple NOT NICE. I went to my DDS and told her I didn't deserve to be treated in that manner and she told me to get someone else.....Tick tock......Eventually my "manager/RDH" came in and was able to get some response from her........including a medlist which included Vicodin and antidepressants. The rest of her meds she "couldn't remember".

When all is said and done, what did this "emergency" patient need?? No caries were detected, no periapical pathology noted in the areas of concern, and she had some moderate periodontal disease. This beligerent, drugged out, emergency patient needed her teeth cleaned, period. I imagine she hoped for some additional drugs, but that was not happening.....

Thanks for all the backup support from the rest of the staff. It really made my day-HA! :(
Another reason I so enjoy practicing after 2o some years......


OOPS! Before putting lotion on, I took my rings off and sat them on the floor beside me. Went to do a 5 minute errand and came back to find my anniversary band GONE!!!!!

After some serious searching, it's amazing what I can lift when panicking!!! Searching the grates, the downstairs, the bathrooms, I found it under the bathmat in the downstairs bathroom-

Katie, Katie, she loves to play with anything that she can bat across the floor and make noise with.....be still my heart.......all is good again...............

I knew there was a reason for those ring trees!!:)

Monday, February 9, 2009


Sick with a cold, 3rd day, really feeling miserable about now. Trying to get cheery to go sell soap with help from some Day-Quil. :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

JL or HP

I thought of Lennon, but they mentioned that first.................

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Eli Emazing

Mr. Photogenic................................................

Black on Black

Wendell snoozing away his day....in his box...in his blanket.......:)

Quincy Questions Quisine

Katie Being Kute

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chocolate Cake and Cat Toys

We celebrated my birthday at the clinic today. Yes, it was a couple of weeks ago, but since I am there so seldom, today was the day. I got a homemade chocolate cake (with homemade frosting!!) and some cat toys. My children are my pride and joy, don't you know... Add to that lunch was brought in by a drug rep so we just had a gay old time. Was I happy to be there, not really, but it was a nice time and nice to catch-up with people...

But, But, But, But, But...

I am in the middle of a dream, which I've since forgot, but at the time it was important, so I am focusing on the conversation. The person speaking keeps repeating the same word over and over, I don't know that it was but, it was something, though....Eventually after hearing the same word over and over and trying to get them to say more, I realize that I am now awake and the repeating word from my dream was due to a husband drumming a beat at 3:30 in the morning. Is it a wonder we have a crazy schedule or what??

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Toothbrushing, the Proper Way

In case anyone else with 20 years plus dental experience needs written explanation of correct toothbrushing and how to give instructions to patients, I will have it....They are just working on the "correct wording". I say "WHATEVER!! CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE BEEN DOING IT WRONG FOR 20 YEARS, WHATEVER!!!"

Work, No Work, Work

Had another staff meeting today, not as casual, but food was involved. Now I am working at our public health clinic the month of February on Wed mornings..........I think they are getting sub people from other areas that aren't busy and it's going to take awhile, hence the month of work.....I'm a nervous wreck, not that I haven't done it for 6 weeks, I just don't want to!!!!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just My Speed

Staff meeting this a.m. Show up in sweats and learn all the ins and outs of the new Bath and Body Signature Collection. Done in an hour. Free product. Free food. Just my speed....