Saturday, November 29, 2008

Katie Post

Katie sometimes gets slighted and I worry she doesn't get enough of our time. Unlike the boys, she doesn't crave attention and is little Miss Independent...So here is a pic, it's not exactly current, but I thought she looked pretty. (I know they all do, all the time, but what can I say??)

Turkey Done Died

Turkey Day is officially over. I didn't partake of dead bird, but enjoyed my veggie plate and the french silk pie after. (yum). We had a busy day and went swimming with my god daughter on Thursday nite. Friday we started our whole day of Thankgiving/Xmas with mall trips and fast food and mall trips and fast food. We did some Rock Band and swam again. It was a good holiday..........Now I am just staring at my Christmas presents and waiting.....tick tock.......tick tock.........How old am I?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Free

OK, I just got an email about how they sometimes are very brutal when they kill turkeys. 2x4 pipes etc, along with video. It came from PETA who can sometimes be extreme, I know, but now I have an excuse to go turkey free when I visit the in-laws this year. Usually I can do it anyway, but I pretty much made myself sick after the PETA thing, so I will eat my veggies and be quite happy. Won't save a turkey, but won't eat one either...........

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008


People's Guy.....

I think I would have put this one on the cover instead..........

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Well, so far I have read nothing but bad reviews.....I am taking them with a grain of salt because sometimes I think you need to read the book to fully appreciate the movie....It's supposed to have been low budget compared to HP so maybe the next one (2010, I think) will be better. I still have hopes for RP, I think the eyes in the poster are a bit much, but will try to take it all with a grain of salt.........Once again, don't think I'll be able to make it tomorrow. Will be on the to do list, if just to say that I did it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

THIS I AM WAITING FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Twilight x 2

Alright, I finished Twilight this afternoon for the 2nd time. Not as crazy as the BFF about these vampires, but a good story. From what I've seen from the movie, not necessarily the stills, and after rereading the book, I think Robert Pattinson will be able to do Edward without a problem. Hopefully I'm not off the mark with that one. I'm hoping I might be able to squeeze the movie in Friday, but with my work hours, it will probably have to wait.....Hopefully they will have some afternoon showings next week and I can beat the teeny bopper crowds........BFF and'll have to watch your comments!! Don't spoil anything!!!! Glad to hear if you like it or not, though!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wendell: Before and After

Wendell--younger version

Wendell-older version and a bigger, much bigger box

Friday, November 14, 2008

Retainers Hurt

I'm caught. Haven't been wearing my retainers enough...OUCH! My lower anteriors are killing me (sort of, but you get the point). I tried to bite into a cookie and remembered the joy of braces and chewing on back teeth. Ouch again.........Sigh..........

Bookin' It

1. I am rereading Twilight so I am ready for the soon to be released movie. I think they can probably make a vampire out of Cedric Diggory. It may just take a little work. DR can look a little scruffy at times as well so we will hope for the best and hope they can make the movie work. It is definitely a light read, but a story you can just fall into and those are my favorite.

2&3 I am going to try and get thru HP7 again so I am ready for The Tales of Beedle the Bard when it come out on the 7th.........that or I am going to try to read them together as Hermione goes thru it during the story...Not sure on that one......

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Red Alert- HIPAA Violation

Apparently my new surgeon's office called to confirm my September appt time after our first conversation. They looked through their books and called me (or rather my father-in-law) back and left a detailed message on his machine..............I DIDN'T GIVE THEM HIS PHONE NUMBER SO THEY MUST HAVE GOT IT FROM INFORMATION..............OOPS to them. That could be a problem.......Too bad it wasn't the bank screwing up our accounts and sending me all his stuff. That was a nice surprise when that happened....

The curse of being named after your father..........Having that not be an issue after awhile.........then having the same thing when your father-in-law has the same name as your dad.....Such is life..............43+ years and it doesn't phase me...............I think the surgeon's oh so lucky. It is a lawsuit waiting to happen..............................

Obsess Part II

5. My father-in-law was asking my husband about reverse mortgages so I was sure we were going to have them move in with us..........Completely irrational, but I WAS worried about that one, too. My father-in-law thought I was funny....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm Obsessing....

1. Have to switch surgeons for my post cancer visits..........really has me freaking out.
2. Too many questions about health histories are really overwhelming me.
3. Somebody annoyed a customer at B&B and she called in a bad report....Of course I think it's me, but that's just me. No names mentioned, but I still figure it's me........I'm just like that........wish I would get over it.
4. Had to take an x-ray of a wisdom tooth and am required to use XCP. I just couldn't get it. The patient got frustrated (and gaggy) and I got frustrated. I finally asked her if she knew how to take xrays since she kept taking it out of her mouth and repositioning it..........That question stumped her.......I ended up taking a pano.......It worked, what can I say.....Not a great day.....:(

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


My teeth are clean. My new RDH is very good.............and I'm cavities and fluoride floss..........Life is good...:)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Leaky Toilets Part Deux

The plumber came and left, in record time, after replacing some bolts in the toilet tank. Apparently they corrode and one of them came apart in pieces for him........Whoo! Early save for us. We are not usually that on the ball. Anyway, it was a short visit so hopefully we won't have to sell the house to pay for it. I really appreciate the joy of multiple bathrooms in the house, however.

Leaky Toilets

Well, it's not the big guy missing the cheerios in the toilet and it's not one of the kids deciding that it would be more fun to go in front of the toilet than in their boxes....It's definitely leaking around the we are patiently (HA) waiting for 8 a.m. to call a plumber. It's not leaking bad and we caught it early, but it's still frustrating, and so we wait....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Michael Crichton Revisited...........

Not to forget Disclosure (book better than Demi Moore and the movie), Rising Sun (Sean Connery and the movie great- book just as good), Timeline, The Terminal Man, The Lost World, State of Fear................A true loss of a good storyteller.................

I'm Depressed....................

Opus is done and over...very sweet the way they ended it, but am depressed because the various incarnations Bloom County, Outlands, Opus were all my favorites........
And now, to find out Michael Crichton died today........Father of Jurassic Park, The Andromeda Strain, Sphere, A Case of Need, etc., etc. Very depressing.........Didn't even know he was ill.....
Such is life I guess..........sigh................

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Book

I developed a liking for his books while I was living in Iowa City and he was teaching there....It's much better than some of his recent stuff and since I've been reading before bed lately, it's been hard to put down OR go to sleep....It's a good read, though, and I'm always glad for that..

Wendell's Wonderful

It won't get him printed in the calendar, but he can be cute when he is showing off.....
Here he is showing off his wonderful balancing skills.......................

Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm the Green Lantern

Reading Karen's blog, I had to do the survey..........and I am the Green Lantern.........seems to fit....
To find out who you are go to:

In Sync (and not the boy band)

Yeah, I did it. One more CD (almost said album, oops!) added on the shuffle. Good for me-My arm may fall off from patting myself so hard on the back over that one....

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Finally In Sync

(Not mine, mine still is purple!)
I have yet to master the most complicated world of my Shuffle. 30 minutes later and I MAY have (stress may) added another CD to the list, maybe twice.....maybe........ Guess we will find out. My fingers are crossed. It's just too darn complicated for me. I am officially old.