Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm Obsessing....

1. Have to switch surgeons for my post cancer visits..........really has me freaking out.
2. Too many questions about health histories are really overwhelming me.
3. Somebody annoyed a customer at B&B and she called in a bad report....Of course I think it's me, but that's just me. No names mentioned, but I still figure it's me........I'm just like that........wish I would get over it.
4. Had to take an x-ray of a wisdom tooth and am required to use XCP. I just couldn't get it. The patient got frustrated (and gaggy) and I got frustrated. I finally asked her if she knew how to take xrays since she kept taking it out of her mouth and repositioning it..........That question stumped her.......I ended up taking a pano.......It worked, what can I say.....Not a great day.....:(

1 comment:

shawn said...

I only wish I had the guts to ask a patient if she knew this or that.. it's great!! OMG!!
I am sure that it wasn't you who had the bad report.. I know how you work.. I am sure that it was your manager or something.. or the newbie..
and you might like the new doctor.. he might have great bed side manner.. who knows...