Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Zippity doo dah, the long weekend is over and I accomplished little. I did get my blinds officially measured, but didn't get them ordered. I did work a late shift on Friday which really through my schedule off and worked yesterday which I would have sworn was Sunday and sold a ton of stuff....
The kittens enjoyed the cooler weather and were all cuddled in bed this a.m. It was difficult to get up with all the pounds of warm and cozy kitties.
Watched the Jon and Kate Plus 8 Marathon on TLC. I am addicted to that show as well, which is sad but true. It's too bad that whole thing has gotten messy.
I studied a bit for my next class after having some mixed reviews and am preparing to do my daily errands before I go off to work.....Happy Monday, I mean Tuesday.....

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