Friday, January 30, 2009

Lost Job, Kind of, Sort of

A victim of the current economy, public health care is suffering in Marshalltown. Because of their ongoing money loss, I will not be getting my weekly hours as I had been and will now be going back to a totally as needed basis. Yesterday I was crushed. I totally knew it was coming after I saw the money problem, but still, it hit my ego hard........

I was going to rant more about the "interesting" economy but I have a very loud purring cat now sitting on my lap, so I just don't care at the moment...Happy Friday people!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mail, Mail Will Go Away

Now the Post Office has decided to shorten its week. Another pain in my side. Will they stop delivering the mail on Saturday or pick a day during the week.............My hope is a week day or I might as well give up. Should they pick Saturday not to deliver, there will be too much mail on Monday so I will not get Monday mail either......The shortened work week will cost me 2 days of mail on a semi-regular basis....It sucks.

Once upon a time I could tell you within minutes what the time was as our mail carrier walked his route. Same mail carrier day after day, except maybe a week in the summer when there would be some young dude carrying it during vacation. Now my mail can come anywhere from 11:00a.m. til about 6 p.m. It will be late with the regular carrier and early with the sub........Hmmm, what does that say about the whole thing..................

Email is the answer. I will miss my mail, but I will go more that route....The hubby won't bank/pay bills on line or we would be doing that as well.....Mail, HAH! US Postal Sevice, double HA!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm Reading....And Flustered About It

Right now I have started a paperback copy of "The Summons" by John Grisham.........Why do I say paperback? I have all the John Grisham legal books in hardback and for the life of me, this book, published in 2005, can't be found.....anywhere... I called my in-laws to check and see if they had "a copy" (they write their books down in lists) and they hadn't read it................I can't find it, I went ahead and bought a paperback from WalMart (Marshalltown now has no book store-another story).

To make a short story longer, I have finally decided that I will never meet, become best friends with (I already have one of those), or become the soul person supporting John Grisham so I can rest easy and just do a paperback. Will I buy the new one? Jury out. I have heard mixed reviews and will ponder before purchase.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Best Buy

Yesterday, in an effort to keep busy, I went shopping in Des Moines. I stocked up on books, ran some other "errands", and got some of the fancy winter crocs with some birthday money!! On sale for $24.95, they were a must have. I spent all my money, but came home with crocs, books, and maybe a little B&B (shh, don't tell).

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pookie Post

1 year ago today, we lost our 13 yr old tortie cat, Eleanor Rigby Irwin.

We miss our Pookster.....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Neither Rain and Sleet, Snow and Dark, or Apparently Tuesdays.....

I'm ranting about the post office again. I have been forbidden to call and bother the postmaster....It will achieve nothing, so why bother, but, anyway......So far this winter season I can confirm that the post office didn't deliver twice. I may have missed another day, but I had no mail going out, so I can't confirm.

According to the postmaster last year, the postman doesn't have to deliver when there is more than one form of precipitation at one time. The postman doesn't have to deliver after dark. The postman, apparently, doesn't have to deliver on Tuesdays if they don't want to as well. They had more mail yesterday due to Martin Luther King Day. Ok, don't you think you will have more mail on Wednesday if you don't finish your route?? Add to that, they send out newspaper flyers to everyone by mail on Wednesday, so there will definitely be more mail today........Hmmm, perhaps we won't get mail today either??? I think there was an episode of Seinfeld where Newman got caught hoarding mail he didn't deliver.................

I don't think she (yes our mailman is a girl) is hoarding mail. I just think she doesn't do her job very well and gets paid a good salary not to.

Yes, I will be cutting my mail down this year just because of that..............Don't be surprised to find email thank yous and birthday cards. It's just not worth taking the chance that it might be a good day for the mailman.........Oh, especially when they raise the price of stamps this summer, again.....................

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today is Dawn's Birthday.. and I have taken over her blog for a post!! I wanted to wish her a wonderful day!!! (Again.. sorry that there isn't a wish from JTK)....
Happy Birthday to you!!!
Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
Happy Birthday to you!!!

love ya!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm Reading

I'm reading another mystery that I picked up at our closing Waldenbooks store for 40% off. They are leaving our mall on the 24th so our town will be without a bookstore :(. A 30 minute trip to Ames will be the closest salvation. I will have to stock up-

My Camera is Loaded.....................

My new camera is finally on the computer now..........I tried to do it, but needed the hubby to get the job done....Couldn't figure out the details........So, a first look at what the new camera can do....

Yes, it is true. Wendell does actually have eyes!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Favorite Pic of Someone Else's Kids

I'd been trying to copy this for awhile and for whatever reason couldn't get it done. This pic off of friend Karen's blog, I absolutely adore of her 2 "kids". Just think it is the cutest of all......

New Candy

My new favorite of the moment is Bliss chocolates with raspberry flavoring...Yummmm

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snow, Blah, Blah, Blah

I'd like to say that there was something exciting going on in my life at the moment, but there's not. We are in the middle of Iowa, in the middle of January, and snow seems to be the only thing there is....Maybe it is just midwinter blahs, I don't know. Maybe, with the all the snow in the last few days, we are just missing the sun, I don't know about that either....All I can say is that it is just another blah of a day in a blah of a week.

OOOH, side note, new Battlestar Galactica on Friday...Something to look forward to--

Friday, January 9, 2009

Books, Etc

Well, I am disappointed to say the least that our Waldenbooks store is closing.........A very small store (maybe that's why), but it will force me to do any serious book shopping in Des Moines or Ames, so much for helping the locals...........The book I just finished

was a fun little read I got from the BFF. Quick and easy and you still got to be part of the story....

At the moment I am reading a book on serial killer Ted Bundy, so you can tell that my tastes go from one end of the spectrum to the other.........Oh well.....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Happy Thought for the Day

The best thing about my day was coming home to find Eli sitting in the window waiting for me. I checked the mail and saw him sitting there, so I talked to him for a minute. Wendell then promptly jumped up beside him and finally Quincy beside Wendell. All 3 of my boys were sitting in the window waiting for me to come in....It was very sweet....Of course I could never get a pic of it- but they were there.....