Thursday, March 26, 2009

If You Don't Know...

If you don't know, ask a 12 year old. They will have the answer.....I think I have officially become the age of parents. The kids have gone past me already. I question who am I to try and teach (?) continuing education when I don't have the correct info.....Okay, I guess it is good that I knew my info was wrong....Okay, I guess I had the right idea about where to find it....I just wasn't sure about the details....SOOOOO, after my go to person isn't 100% positive, we now have our 2nd source....and my 12 year old god-daughter has the answers, and she is right, and she talked me through so I understand the whole situation..............My new motto-"If you don't know, ask a 12 year old, they will have the answers-and they will be right." Whew! Thanks Hannah!!! I hate looking stupid and now I have the RIGHT INFO so I feel better....:) I may not totally be up on the Periodic Table, but I have my info......

ER Update

Well, I am left with no bumps and bruises following the recent visit to the ER. The cat bites have healed (well, I still have a couple of marks, but they are almost gone). The bruises are gone. As I told my god-daughter, it looked like I had a hickey on my arm for awhile......Not that I know about hickeys, but I digress....Wendell is almost healed and has only a small scab on his side. The hair has grown back over the area (big surprise) and he is acting like himself again. We are still waiting on the leftovers bill from the visit, but it was worth it for him to feel better.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm Still Counting...

45 days til Star Trek 11, yes, I am still counting....

Book Fever

My book fever is slowing down....I finished a book I got at the library and am working on another, but it is slow going....I am thinking about buying one, but am procrastinating, so we shall see....
My list of books to buy is getting larger for May, but does me no good right now. :(

Monday, March 23, 2009

Q is 2

Quincy celebrated his 2nd bday on March 18. He is the baby and the BIGGEST!! He is definitely in his terrible 2's and has been for about 6 months. He makes his brother Wendell's life miserable-
Happy Bday Quince, we love you!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

52 DAYS UNTIL STAR TREK 11 IN CASE ANYONE BESIDES ME IS COUNTING.................................


Voracious, my appetite for books these day....

I have been keeping busy in the last week and this one started the speed reading frenzy.-a definite page turner that kept me wanting more and kept me involved. No Lincoln Rhyme, but it didn't matter.

I love this book and read it again-I won't say more because people are getting copies for their different birthdays. It's a good book and a quick read...

I needed a Star Trek original and got my fix with this 2nd hand book. In the Star Trek universe, all the books need to match up with previous storylines....This includes from all the movies, all the tv shows, and all previous books.....Differences can happen with alternate timelines, but that's a whole other story in itself...I forgot the Jodi Piccoult book that started the whole run of "need to read".

It kept the pages turning, but I don't think it will be a keeper....

I'm reading a James Patterson book at the moment and thoroughly enjoying it. I'm hoping to make it thru the nite and then will think about venturing forth to find more good ones tomorrow....Wish me luck!

Cat Quotes

I've been collecting these for awhile and in the midst of my cleaning spirit. I am posting them here versus continued collecting and eventually putting them along the side or where ever....

The smallest feline is a masterpiece.-Leonardo da Vinci

The best kind of alarm clock is the purring kind.-Alexis F. Hope

Blessed are those who love cats, for they shall never be lonely.-Unknown

A cat, though independent, has a way of letting you know that without you life just wouldn't be worthwhile.-Sharon Lundblad

If there were to be a universal sound depicting peace, I would surely vote for the purr. -Barbara L. Diamond

Kittens can happen to anyone.-Paul Gallico

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Night Stand Continued

All right, maybe they were giant dust bunnies that multiplied into large litters of dust bunnies.............

There is space in there now and it is organized. The essentials are still on top and I accomplished something today.

What's On My Night Stand, Etc

I just thought I would add a little nothing to the blog today.

What's on my nightstand??
1. Lamp
2. Bottle of B&B Chocolate Amber Lotion with a Pump
3. Picture of Oliver (my kitten)
4. 2 books
-Tales of Beedle the Bard
-Unity (Star Trek book)
5. Book Light
6. Box of kleenex

What's in the drawer of my nightstand?
1. Multiple lip glosses
2. 4 pairs of old glasses
3. Some book marks
4. Bottle of body cream
5. Dental floss
6. All my thank you cards and note cards
7. My address book
8. Some baby dust bunnies.....

Who needs to clean out their nightstand?? Me, I guess. Who needs 4 pair of old prescription glasses when they got bifocals the last time they were in??

I am off...A project!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ankle Wrap

On a sadder age note, my ankle has been driving me crazy off and on for the last 3 years. I have invested in a pretty good wrap for it and it has cut the majority of the daily discomfort down to about nothing. AND NO STABBING LIFE ENDING PAIN (always quick, however) since I started wearing it. 8 weeks is supposed to be the magic number when it will be stronger and I don't have to wear it all the time. My stepmother says she only wears hers for her knee when she is out doing yard work, etc. So there is hope.

I have a pic of it, but with the new camera, it will have to wait. I load it and I may never be able to find it again....but does take good pictures.....

Laugh For The Day

I'm doing errands and stop at WalMart. While checking out with my beer, I GET CARDED! Why oh why does it have to be when you are in your sweats, have no makeup on, and feel horrible!!

This almost 45 yo woman was quite happy. Keep in mind I've been legal since 19yo so that's 25 years and I get carded!! HEE HEE, okay, maybe it was a pretty good thing. It was just annoying as he-- when it happened.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Does anyone else feel like vomiting when they get their taxes done or is it just me??

Cat Version But Same Sentiment......

Sad But True

My DDS is leaving the clinic I work with. I am very sad. She is younger than me and this was her first postion out of dental school. She is getting and associateship in another town. It is an awesome opportunity for her and I am excited for her, but she will be missed. She inspires loyalty and professionalism and those are 2 qualities that I have found to be missing from most doctors these days. Best wishes to her on her new adventure. I know she will be a success..