Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Laugh For The Day

I'm doing errands and stop at WalMart. While checking out with my beer, I GET CARDED! Why oh why does it have to be when you are in your sweats, have no makeup on, and feel horrible!!

This almost 45 yo woman was quite happy. Keep in mind I've been legal since 19yo so that's 25 years and I get carded!! HEE HEE, okay, maybe it was a pretty good thing. It was just annoying as he-- when it happened.


shawn said...

Well it should make you feel good.. right?? But I get it.. was the person carding you like 18 or something too???

Karen said...

I never get carded any more :-(

But I did get carded once about 15 years ago, and the young man looked at my license, did the math, then said with a horrified look on his face, "Ma'am, I am SO SORRY!"

I wanted to punch him.