Thursday, July 17, 2008


Well, my doctor informed me today that my ankle problems could very well be arthritis developing..........We'll wait til it definitely flares up again (of course it is better now after 5 weeks) and think about an x-ray. I will also get one of those wraps for my ankle and try to give it support around the house, etc when I'm not wearing nice supportive athletic shoes, etc....
I figured the arthritis thing was a possibility.........He did say that after a sprain (years ago and may not have been the same ankle), it is never the same. That and arthritis..............Love the 40's they are full of such good cheer........Bifocals, arthritis, cancer, cholesterol, fun stuff...............

1 comment:

shawn said...

well.. lets see, I have the glasses, no bifocals.. not much else.. hum....