Right now I have started a paperback copy of "The Summons" by John Grisham.........Why do I say paperback? I have all the John Grisham legal books in hardback and for the life of me, this book, published in 2005, can't be found.....anywhere... I called my in-laws to check and see if they had "a copy" (they write their books down in lists) and they hadn't read it................I can't find it anywhere.......so, I went ahead and bought a paperback from WalMart (Marshalltown now has no book store-another story).
To make a short story longer, I have finally decided that I will never meet, become best friends with (I already have one of those), or become the soul person supporting John Grisham so I can rest easy and just do a paperback. Will I buy the new one? Jury out. I have heard mixed reviews and will ponder before purchase.
So you don't see yourself coming to MN a week after you were just here to see Grisham talk at a Borders book store, where your goddaughter decides that it is too boring and leaves?? And you won't be getting pictures of having him sign your books??? Well if that is the case, by all means, paperback is the way to go..
(did you say that your inlaws have the books listed on the computer??)
My in-laws keep a list in a notebook of all the books they read. My father-in-law doesn't like to reread books (god forbid, hah!)so my step mother-in-law takes the notebook with her when SHE goes to get him books from the library, store, whatever..
With that little loss of a book, I definitely will not let my John Sandfords out to ANYONE and yes, they are on my list of things to save in case there is a fire.....after the cats of course....:)
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