Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Funny Thing Happened....

A funny thing happened at the B&B store today. A woman was checking out, when low and behold, I saw her Waldenbooks bag with 2 John Sandford books in it..........Being the fan I am, we struck up a conversation about his books....(Didn't mention the photos or signed books) We talked about Dead Watch, his wife dying, and how he has become quite prolific again.... SHould have mentioned that she really needs to read the Prey books in order, but, it was a nice conversation. Lasted a couple of minutes, but was the highlight of my work day...:)

1 comment:

shawn said...

WHAT you didn't tell her that you drove up to MN on your best friends birthday not to see your BFF but to go and see John talk, and to get a bunch of pictures??