Thursday, March 26, 2009

If You Don't Know...

If you don't know, ask a 12 year old. They will have the answer.....I think I have officially become the age of parents. The kids have gone past me already. I question who am I to try and teach (?) continuing education when I don't have the correct info.....Okay, I guess it is good that I knew my info was wrong....Okay, I guess I had the right idea about where to find it....I just wasn't sure about the details....SOOOOO, after my go to person isn't 100% positive, we now have our 2nd source....and my 12 year old god-daughter has the answers, and she is right, and she talked me through so I understand the whole situation..............My new motto-"If you don't know, ask a 12 year old, they will have the answers-and they will be right." Whew! Thanks Hannah!!! I hate looking stupid and now I have the RIGHT INFO so I feel better....:) I may not totally be up on the Periodic Table, but I have my info......


shawn said...

And she was just so "OK, so Dawn just needed some questions answered, not a big deal...." WHATEVER!!!
glad that we knew who to go to for the info...(I guess that is something good to say about the school systems!)

shawn said...

Just so you know.. Hannah thought that this post was really funny!!! (insert giggles!!!!)