Saturday, May 3, 2008

In Which I Torture My Niece HAHA

Today was a great day!! I asked my sister and my niece to walk with me in The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk today. We had our t-shirts for the walk and our pink baseball hats so we would go as a team!! It's been 3 years that I have been cancer free and after the genetic testing I did, I thought they would want to be a part of it and they were excited! We drove to Des Moines and tortured my niece by singing old songs loudly all the way there. WE WERE PUMPED for the walk!! We did the 3 miles in the cold and windy Waterworks Park and felt like we accomplished something when we were done. See
pics from the day- It was a good one :)


shawn said...

And which songs did you sing?? I bet it was fun! Even if it was cold! At least no snow!
I can't believe it has been 3 years! It seems like a lifetime ago!

Dawn said...

we sing really dorky songs from the 60's and 70's. all her kids really hate it/love it. i think they get a kick out of seeing us be a bit songs of the morning were billy don't be a hero, run joey run, one tin soldier, seasons in the sun, etc. all good sing alongs, but definitely not current top 40.