Monday, November 9, 2009



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sophie Eleanor

A not terrific picture of our now almost 6 month old addition to the family. Very cute, very vocal, very sweet little girl who's entered our large clavern....She is adorable!!


Not something I would recommend....the healing time was better than it was from cancer surgery, but....No energy, a nice scar, a hot temper, not to mention the hot body!! I got a total of 9 days of semi-recovery and the husband has decided that it is time to return to the real world, so much for the doctor recommended month...........Oh, and if the doctor says there will be no "shaving", don't believe them...They lie....:)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

HP 6

Excellent!! Now we hurry and wait for 2010 and 2011!!

Monday, July 13, 2009


Harry Potter 6 opens on Wednesday....The night before is midnight showing and it is sold out......I am thinking about Wednesday, but may wait....May wait and go to a nine o clock showing and hope to miss tons of kids...I am hoping they have it in more than one theatre. If so that will be ideal....I know I will get a good seating that way.....Two more days....WOW 2 MORE DAYS!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Harry Potter is Coming!!

9 days til Harry Potter....but who is counting?? ME!

Going Going Soon Will Be Gone

There is a family of geese that I have been watching this summer at our neighborhood pond. It's a mom and dad with 6 babies....They were adorable to watch the parents escorting the little wads of fur around the area.....then they were just plain cute to see 2 proud geese with this flock of in betweens trying to grow into their new fur and bodies.....and now, I saw them today, and they look just like their or dad (who knows which) escorted them up the hill, slowly, and then stood guard while they ate clover....I watched 6 little geese derrieres as they munched on clover and the parent stood guard.... It was adorable.....They will be gone soon, and I know it and they are missed already....It was nice to watch them this summer....

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sick Kitties

A week of sick children and multiple vet trips. Eli is recovered from his dental cleaning and starting to act like his old self.
Wendell is still recovering from his urinary tract infection.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Finished the new Prey book.....VERY VERY GOOD...Love John Sandford....He is the best....No, I'm not sharing BFF

Monday, June 1, 2009

Cat Grass Fever

My in-laws grew us some grass for the children....You can buy a tub of it at Wal-Mart and it takes a couple of days to grow and then you have munchies for kittens....I brought it home today and the boys devoured it. I left home for 15 minutes and counted 10 kitty barfs when I got back...Lucky they were all on the hard kitchen floor so it was wipeable, but still......They did enjoy it and that's what counts.....:) My kids, gotta love em...c

So true.....

What I am Doing....

for the next month....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Zippity doo dah, the long weekend is over and I accomplished little. I did get my blinds officially measured, but didn't get them ordered. I did work a late shift on Friday which really through my schedule off and worked yesterday which I would have sworn was Sunday and sold a ton of stuff....
The kittens enjoyed the cooler weather and were all cuddled in bed this a.m. It was difficult to get up with all the pounds of warm and cozy kitties.
Watched the Jon and Kate Plus 8 Marathon on TLC. I am addicted to that show as well, which is sad but true. It's too bad that whole thing has gotten messy.
I studied a bit for my next class after having some mixed reviews and am preparing to do my daily errands before I go off to work.....Happy Monday, I mean Tuesday.....

Friday, May 22, 2009


BFF recalls the time we visited the zoo and went in the special room where they had different things out for the kids to touch, see, etc.....We went in doors that were automatic, like the grocery store.....Anyway, I saw a tarantula out with people touching it...........20 feet away, easily, and I did my darnedest to try and get back out the way we came, didn't work, but the other doors were closer to the spider and I REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO go that way.....SPIDERS, oooh gross me out, bllllaaaah!!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just Because

I hate spiders!!!! Too many times watching a very old, very bad William Shatner movie with spiders everywhere!!!! Oooh, I give myself the eebie jeebies just thinking about it...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Facebook Fanatic

I have finally joined the masses who are now on Facebook....Why is it addictive, I do not know, but it is..............

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Work Etc

Work, work, and more work.....and about a gazillion dollars worth of medical bills all in the same week....I knew it was coming, but just thought it would be spread out more.........No such luck- Now I'm looking forward to 4-5 visits to the vet for immunizations.....Lucky me!!:( I know it could be worse, but sometimes the downpours just suck the life out of you.........Here's food for thought-my husband's niece is having a graduation party that we should go to.....They are expecting 300-400 people...Doesn't that sound fun-NOT

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lucky Day

As I was making my early morning rounds today, getting my frozen coke, noticing gas prices jumped over night by 8 cents (!), returning library audiobooks, I found $3 in the parking lot of the library! If I was feeling REALLY lucky, I'd do a lottery ticket, but I think I'll just treat myself to some lunch or something....It was a day pick me upper :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The One...The Only...Captain Kirk

Yes, it is all things Trek, but is that a bad thing...No, definitely not, especially when there is supposed to be a new movie coming out in 3, yes 3, days that I have seen nothing but good things written about. To my point- I was reading an article called "The One...The Only...Captain Kirk" and they were discussing how there's no other than William Shatner.....TOTALLY AGREE, I am still in love with the girdle wearing, toupee toting, 70 something year old Captain Kirk, even though he is dead, but only not until the future...Blasphemy you say, but I think there might be room for a younger Captain Kirk, one that we haven't seen before...... I am so excited for this movie. It sounds like they are playing with an alternate timeline as well, YIKES, I can hardly stand it.

Monday, May 4, 2009



I went to our local Burger King this a.m. to get my glasses. My hubby, who knows my quirks, left me a god awful amount of $$ to get a set of glasses... At 6:03 am, they didn't have access to them yet. At 10:13 am, post shopping, I got a whole set for not the cost of 4 BK meals + glasses, only 1, I was hungry anyway, and the cost for the cups. So I left BK with a breakfast meal, it was actually gross, and 4 Star Trek cups.....

I think I need another Kirk, if I use this one, I might need it for my box of Star Trek memorabilia....I am a geek, I admit it....


We were without phone and internet for most of the weekend. I had used my minutes up so we were without a cell phone as well. I missed the continuing education class in Iowa City because I couldn't look up the time and didn't have the phone to check. Come to find out, the splitter for the various tvs, etc wasn't done correctly, as my hubby swore it was, so he adjusted and it came back on...........They still haven't buried the line in the back yard yet, but supposedly that's the city contractor's fault that they have to go through....I have cable, internet, and phone.....That hasn't happened for quite awhile....

PS-At least I didn't actually NEED the continuing education, otherwise I really would have been screwed-

Post Weekend Update

A busy weekend for me! We went on a cancer walk in Des Moines. My sister, my niece, and I went to a new location for the event this year....We got lost twice, and I wasn't driving, but we made it....It was actually a glorious day full of sunshine and a light breeze and it was probably about 70 degrees when we walked so that was nice. They had a breast cancer survivor tent where I went to collect my goodies....It will be five years this year.........the whole thing got the best of me and I broke down in tears, but the day went on and we had fun.....Have pics to post, should I get them loaded.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Graduation Days

I can tell it is graduation time and that everyone I know is getting older, and so are their kids. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry that I have ever known is now sending me graduation announcements for their kids.....Oh joy, oh my bank account!

Why I Have Cats by Me

I have cats so when I wake up in the morning I can find 6 inches of cat barf in my closet. (I measured). The end..

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


My eyes have new glasses, which I hate. New glasses drive me batty. I can never get them to feel right and it makes life interesting to say the least. The bifocal bump up is nice. I like the extra bang I get with these.

Spent the weekend (a long one) in MN with BFF and Hannah. Spent some money, got some cont ed, cheese, and shoes which are all priorities on a trip up North. I think I've met my cont ed requirement but am going to take the child abuse and adult abuse course to finish it up....

The cats got presents from MN which was nice for them. They like their tent and I found my beautiful black boy cat sleeping quite soundly in a pink cat bed with bows....I do worry about him sometimes....HAHA. It was quite adorable and we just stared at him for a couple of minutes.

The job front--interesting. My manager is on sick leave from B&B so I'm not enjoying it quite as much these days...

I am going out to trim the yard and try to get motivated for the day--

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hee Hee

I was a bad girl and put a picture of my hubby and his siblings in the paper for their dad's birthday today.....I didn't put their dad's name, or the kid's names but there is a picture...My hubby is 4 yo so that gives you an idea about all their ages...It is pretty cute...My hubby was ready to blow a gasket, but I think his dad will get a kick out of it...You only turn 80 once and I think you need to be spoiled a little bit....Plus, us in-laws should get a good chuckle from it...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Eyes Again

Well, after a week trying the new glasses, that made me hip and fashionable (according to the husband), they went back to the store....Whether it was my eyes, the Rx, the frame, the lenses, no one knows for sure...They are going to step back my astigmatism a bit, keep my bifocal a bit higher and try again with new frames. No the frames aren't hip and happening. No rhinestones, no stripes, etc just plain old frames that look a lot like all the ones over the years....BUT they think with the adjusted Rx, similar lens thickness and curvature, the bigger/better bifocal, no special hinges that make my head feel like a huge zit, I might just be able to see again and read again. This was a great thing with the first pair of bifocals and I just want that back. Women, the things they go through for a new pair of glasses...

Sunday, April 5, 2009


My old camera was so easy. Just plug it into the computer and you would get your pictures. This new one is very frustrating and I can never remember how to do it and the hubby gets all frustrated with me and the computer.....As a result, I think I have 4 albums with the same 100+ cat pics, etc.....

I just want the plug and go one back again.....I would trade back, but the new one takes soooo much better pictures that I don't want to...


My new glasses aren't working as of yet...They have me going back tomorrow for a follow up visit to see the doctor...Considering I could see fine with the last prescription and I was just being female and wanted some new frames, I am quite disappointed. One of my friends works there and she will be there to see if they can work out something...Apparently these lenses are a bit different and may be affecting things....My bifocals are probably too low which isn't helping either because the glasses are just making me work harder and I can't see too well to read so they defeat the purpose....I am being good and not putting my last ones on, kind of like dentures and partials. You want to wear them so they know what has been going on....but oh, I'm tired and frustrated with the effort...

Cracks Me Up

I'm sorry. This would've been a good pick of Wendell, but he got distracted as you can tell. His ear cocked to listen to something and I ended up with this dorky shot instead...He is soooo hard to get a decent picture of...

Just Because...

Katie being cute. You can really see her personality in this one.

Daffodil Days

Went to the oncologist the other day and the patients got their own daffodils to take home with them, thanks to some anonymous donor.....Very nice pick me upper...Here they are at their best...We also got the vase so that was nice, too.... Love daffodils in the spring. They are so pretty.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Shopping for the In-Laws

Well, it is that time again....I am supposed to go out and buy birthday presents for my brother-in-law and father-in-law. Their birthdays are days apart and that is my project....The longer we are married the more I get this sort of thing delegated to me. I got the brother taken care of and got him a gift certificate for golf. He really has no interests so it is difficult. His bday is on the 6th so I am good for a few days......The father is more difficult. He is retired and loves to read, but our book store is closed so that is no longer an option. They don't really go on shopping sprees, and GOD FORBID he go into an actual store..............sooooo...............I have a couple of extra days for him. His birthday isn't until the 8th. Heavy sigh...I guess I will think of something...It's just getting difficult.......................

Thursday, March 26, 2009

If You Don't Know...

If you don't know, ask a 12 year old. They will have the answer.....I think I have officially become the age of parents. The kids have gone past me already. I question who am I to try and teach (?) continuing education when I don't have the correct info.....Okay, I guess it is good that I knew my info was wrong....Okay, I guess I had the right idea about where to find it....I just wasn't sure about the details....SOOOOO, after my go to person isn't 100% positive, we now have our 2nd source....and my 12 year old god-daughter has the answers, and she is right, and she talked me through so I understand the whole situation..............My new motto-"If you don't know, ask a 12 year old, they will have the answers-and they will be right." Whew! Thanks Hannah!!! I hate looking stupid and now I have the RIGHT INFO so I feel better....:) I may not totally be up on the Periodic Table, but I have my info......

ER Update

Well, I am left with no bumps and bruises following the recent visit to the ER. The cat bites have healed (well, I still have a couple of marks, but they are almost gone). The bruises are gone. As I told my god-daughter, it looked like I had a hickey on my arm for awhile......Not that I know about hickeys, but I digress....Wendell is almost healed and has only a small scab on his side. The hair has grown back over the area (big surprise) and he is acting like himself again. We are still waiting on the leftovers bill from the visit, but it was worth it for him to feel better.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm Still Counting...

45 days til Star Trek 11, yes, I am still counting....

Book Fever

My book fever is slowing down....I finished a book I got at the library and am working on another, but it is slow going....I am thinking about buying one, but am procrastinating, so we shall see....
My list of books to buy is getting larger for May, but does me no good right now. :(

Monday, March 23, 2009

Q is 2

Quincy celebrated his 2nd bday on March 18. He is the baby and the BIGGEST!! He is definitely in his terrible 2's and has been for about 6 months. He makes his brother Wendell's life miserable-
Happy Bday Quince, we love you!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

52 DAYS UNTIL STAR TREK 11 IN CASE ANYONE BESIDES ME IS COUNTING.................................


Voracious, my appetite for books these day....

I have been keeping busy in the last week and this one started the speed reading frenzy.-a definite page turner that kept me wanting more and kept me involved. No Lincoln Rhyme, but it didn't matter.

I love this book and read it again-I won't say more because people are getting copies for their different birthdays. It's a good book and a quick read...

I needed a Star Trek original and got my fix with this 2nd hand book. In the Star Trek universe, all the books need to match up with previous storylines....This includes from all the movies, all the tv shows, and all previous books.....Differences can happen with alternate timelines, but that's a whole other story in itself...I forgot the Jodi Piccoult book that started the whole run of "need to read".

It kept the pages turning, but I don't think it will be a keeper....

I'm reading a James Patterson book at the moment and thoroughly enjoying it. I'm hoping to make it thru the nite and then will think about venturing forth to find more good ones tomorrow....Wish me luck!

Cat Quotes

I've been collecting these for awhile and in the midst of my cleaning spirit. I am posting them here versus continued collecting and eventually putting them along the side or where ever....

The smallest feline is a masterpiece.-Leonardo da Vinci

The best kind of alarm clock is the purring kind.-Alexis F. Hope

Blessed are those who love cats, for they shall never be lonely.-Unknown

A cat, though independent, has a way of letting you know that without you life just wouldn't be worthwhile.-Sharon Lundblad

If there were to be a universal sound depicting peace, I would surely vote for the purr. -Barbara L. Diamond

Kittens can happen to anyone.-Paul Gallico

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Night Stand Continued

All right, maybe they were giant dust bunnies that multiplied into large litters of dust bunnies.............

There is space in there now and it is organized. The essentials are still on top and I accomplished something today.

What's On My Night Stand, Etc

I just thought I would add a little nothing to the blog today.

What's on my nightstand??
1. Lamp
2. Bottle of B&B Chocolate Amber Lotion with a Pump
3. Picture of Oliver (my kitten)
4. 2 books
-Tales of Beedle the Bard
-Unity (Star Trek book)
5. Book Light
6. Box of kleenex

What's in the drawer of my nightstand?
1. Multiple lip glosses
2. 4 pairs of old glasses
3. Some book marks
4. Bottle of body cream
5. Dental floss
6. All my thank you cards and note cards
7. My address book
8. Some baby dust bunnies.....

Who needs to clean out their nightstand?? Me, I guess. Who needs 4 pair of old prescription glasses when they got bifocals the last time they were in??

I am off...A project!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ankle Wrap

On a sadder age note, my ankle has been driving me crazy off and on for the last 3 years. I have invested in a pretty good wrap for it and it has cut the majority of the daily discomfort down to about nothing. AND NO STABBING LIFE ENDING PAIN (always quick, however) since I started wearing it. 8 weeks is supposed to be the magic number when it will be stronger and I don't have to wear it all the time. My stepmother says she only wears hers for her knee when she is out doing yard work, etc. So there is hope.

I have a pic of it, but with the new camera, it will have to wait. I load it and I may never be able to find it again....but does take good pictures.....

Laugh For The Day

I'm doing errands and stop at WalMart. While checking out with my beer, I GET CARDED! Why oh why does it have to be when you are in your sweats, have no makeup on, and feel horrible!!

This almost 45 yo woman was quite happy. Keep in mind I've been legal since 19yo so that's 25 years and I get carded!! HEE HEE, okay, maybe it was a pretty good thing. It was just annoying as he-- when it happened.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Does anyone else feel like vomiting when they get their taxes done or is it just me??

Cat Version But Same Sentiment......

Sad But True

My DDS is leaving the clinic I work with. I am very sad. She is younger than me and this was her first postion out of dental school. She is getting and associateship in another town. It is an awesome opportunity for her and I am excited for her, but she will be missed. She inspires loyalty and professionalism and those are 2 qualities that I have found to be missing from most doctors these days. Best wishes to her on her new adventure. I know she will be a success..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


As I am doing nothing this morning, I actually checked out my Star Trek 11 widget and realized that it was only 73 days away from release.......................Whoooweee!!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Oscar Pics Review

Apparently I am too sentimental and Mickey Rourke didn't win....He had just lost his 18 yo pet chihuahua 6 days ago so I was really really rooting for him, enough so that I gave up and went to bed before 10pm because I couldn't stand the stress. Same with Marissa Tomei, I thought it was a way better part than My Cousin Vinny, but I missed that one, too.

I got Slumdog and Kate Winslet!! Wall-E and best song!

Oh, whatever, I hit and missed, but it was fun playing.....Still want to see The Wrestler and will probably see Milk eventually, but that is about it.....

I did see Robert Pattinson on the before stuff....Love the accent and the hair was not too crazy this time....

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Will I stay up for it all, I seriously doubt it, but here are my official picks.....for a bunch of movies that I haven't seen at all...........

2009 Oscar Ballot - Pick the Flicks
1. Best picture: .“Slumdog Millionaire.” Everyone is talking about it-haven't seen it..

2. Actor in a leading role: Mickey Rourke, “The Wrestler.” Supposed to be excellent. Sounds like he deserves it.

3. Actor in a supporting role: Robert Downey Jr., “Tropic Thunder.”Heath Ledger, “The Dark Knight.” I've heard both ways. A comeback year for Robert Downey Jr. A death for Heath Ledger....Dark Knight was good, so was the character....Robert Downey Jr is always good...I just can't pick.

4. Actress in a leading role: Kate Winslet, “The Reader.” She is everywhere. The book was pretty good. I am going with her.

5. Actress in a supporting role: Marisa Tomei, “The Wrestler.” Proves she wasn't a fluke for My Cousin Vinny. Once again, want to see the movie. She is supposed to be really great

6. Animated feature film: "WALL-E." A different kind of movie......haven't seen it, but Oscar goes for different.

7. Best director: Danny Boyle, “Slumdog Millionaire.” It is everywhere. Will go with it.

8. Original score: “Slumdog Millionaire.”

9. Original song: Jai Ho,” “Slumdog Millionaire." Heard this peppy little ditty and will go with it.

10. Visual effects: “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." Supposed to be interesting special effects with Brad Pitt.

11. Adapted screenplay: "Frost/Nixon." Supposed to be a better play than movie...

12. Original screenplay: "Milk." Has to win something...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Why do I let myself work in a public health environment where I can be treated so poorly by some patients? I was about in tears with one patient today. She could barely put a coherent thought together, and that took effort, and she was just plain and simple NOT NICE. I went to my DDS and told her I didn't deserve to be treated in that manner and she told me to get someone else.....Tick tock......Eventually my "manager/RDH" came in and was able to get some response from her........including a medlist which included Vicodin and antidepressants. The rest of her meds she "couldn't remember".

When all is said and done, what did this "emergency" patient need?? No caries were detected, no periapical pathology noted in the areas of concern, and she had some moderate periodontal disease. This beligerent, drugged out, emergency patient needed her teeth cleaned, period. I imagine she hoped for some additional drugs, but that was not happening.....

Thanks for all the backup support from the rest of the staff. It really made my day-HA! :(
Another reason I so enjoy practicing after 2o some years......


OOPS! Before putting lotion on, I took my rings off and sat them on the floor beside me. Went to do a 5 minute errand and came back to find my anniversary band GONE!!!!!

After some serious searching, it's amazing what I can lift when panicking!!! Searching the grates, the downstairs, the bathrooms, I found it under the bathmat in the downstairs bathroom-

Katie, Katie, she loves to play with anything that she can bat across the floor and make noise still my heart.......all is good again...............

I knew there was a reason for those ring trees!!:)

Monday, February 9, 2009


Sick with a cold, 3rd day, really feeling miserable about now. Trying to get cheery to go sell soap with help from some Day-Quil. :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

JL or HP

I thought of Lennon, but they mentioned that first.................

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Eli Emazing

Mr. Photogenic................................................

Black on Black

Wendell snoozing away his his his blanket.......:)

Quincy Questions Quisine

Katie Being Kute

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chocolate Cake and Cat Toys

We celebrated my birthday at the clinic today. Yes, it was a couple of weeks ago, but since I am there so seldom, today was the day. I got a homemade chocolate cake (with homemade frosting!!) and some cat toys. My children are my pride and joy, don't you know... Add to that lunch was brought in by a drug rep so we just had a gay old time. Was I happy to be there, not really, but it was a nice time and nice to catch-up with people...

But, But, But, But, But...

I am in the middle of a dream, which I've since forgot, but at the time it was important, so I am focusing on the conversation. The person speaking keeps repeating the same word over and over, I don't know that it was but, it was something, though....Eventually after hearing the same word over and over and trying to get them to say more, I realize that I am now awake and the repeating word from my dream was due to a husband drumming a beat at 3:30 in the morning. Is it a wonder we have a crazy schedule or what??

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Toothbrushing, the Proper Way

In case anyone else with 20 years plus dental experience needs written explanation of correct toothbrushing and how to give instructions to patients, I will have it....They are just working on the "correct wording". I say "WHATEVER!! CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE BEEN DOING IT WRONG FOR 20 YEARS, WHATEVER!!!"

Work, No Work, Work

Had another staff meeting today, not as casual, but food was involved. Now I am working at our public health clinic the month of February on Wed mornings..........I think they are getting sub people from other areas that aren't busy and it's going to take awhile, hence the month of work.....I'm a nervous wreck, not that I haven't done it for 6 weeks, I just don't want to!!!!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just My Speed

Staff meeting this a.m. Show up in sweats and learn all the ins and outs of the new Bath and Body Signature Collection. Done in an hour. Free product. Free food. Just my speed....

Friday, January 30, 2009

Lost Job, Kind of, Sort of

A victim of the current economy, public health care is suffering in Marshalltown. Because of their ongoing money loss, I will not be getting my weekly hours as I had been and will now be going back to a totally as needed basis. Yesterday I was crushed. I totally knew it was coming after I saw the money problem, but still, it hit my ego hard........

I was going to rant more about the "interesting" economy but I have a very loud purring cat now sitting on my lap, so I just don't care at the moment...Happy Friday people!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mail, Mail Will Go Away

Now the Post Office has decided to shorten its week. Another pain in my side. Will they stop delivering the mail on Saturday or pick a day during the week.............My hope is a week day or I might as well give up. Should they pick Saturday not to deliver, there will be too much mail on Monday so I will not get Monday mail either......The shortened work week will cost me 2 days of mail on a semi-regular basis....It sucks.

Once upon a time I could tell you within minutes what the time was as our mail carrier walked his route. Same mail carrier day after day, except maybe a week in the summer when there would be some young dude carrying it during vacation. Now my mail can come anywhere from 11:00a.m. til about 6 p.m. It will be late with the regular carrier and early with the sub........Hmmm, what does that say about the whole thing..................

Email is the answer. I will miss my mail, but I will go more that route....The hubby won't bank/pay bills on line or we would be doing that as well.....Mail, HAH! US Postal Sevice, double HA!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm Reading....And Flustered About It

Right now I have started a paperback copy of "The Summons" by John Grisham.........Why do I say paperback? I have all the John Grisham legal books in hardback and for the life of me, this book, published in 2005, can't be found.....anywhere... I called my in-laws to check and see if they had "a copy" (they write their books down in lists) and they hadn't read it................I can't find it, I went ahead and bought a paperback from WalMart (Marshalltown now has no book store-another story).

To make a short story longer, I have finally decided that I will never meet, become best friends with (I already have one of those), or become the soul person supporting John Grisham so I can rest easy and just do a paperback. Will I buy the new one? Jury out. I have heard mixed reviews and will ponder before purchase.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Best Buy

Yesterday, in an effort to keep busy, I went shopping in Des Moines. I stocked up on books, ran some other "errands", and got some of the fancy winter crocs with some birthday money!! On sale for $24.95, they were a must have. I spent all my money, but came home with crocs, books, and maybe a little B&B (shh, don't tell).

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pookie Post

1 year ago today, we lost our 13 yr old tortie cat, Eleanor Rigby Irwin.

We miss our Pookster.....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Neither Rain and Sleet, Snow and Dark, or Apparently Tuesdays.....

I'm ranting about the post office again. I have been forbidden to call and bother the postmaster....It will achieve nothing, so why bother, but, anyway......So far this winter season I can confirm that the post office didn't deliver twice. I may have missed another day, but I had no mail going out, so I can't confirm.

According to the postmaster last year, the postman doesn't have to deliver when there is more than one form of precipitation at one time. The postman doesn't have to deliver after dark. The postman, apparently, doesn't have to deliver on Tuesdays if they don't want to as well. They had more mail yesterday due to Martin Luther King Day. Ok, don't you think you will have more mail on Wednesday if you don't finish your route?? Add to that, they send out newspaper flyers to everyone by mail on Wednesday, so there will definitely be more mail today........Hmmm, perhaps we won't get mail today either??? I think there was an episode of Seinfeld where Newman got caught hoarding mail he didn't deliver.................

I don't think she (yes our mailman is a girl) is hoarding mail. I just think she doesn't do her job very well and gets paid a good salary not to.

Yes, I will be cutting my mail down this year just because of that..............Don't be surprised to find email thank yous and birthday cards. It's just not worth taking the chance that it might be a good day for the mailman.........Oh, especially when they raise the price of stamps this summer, again.....................

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today is Dawn's Birthday.. and I have taken over her blog for a post!! I wanted to wish her a wonderful day!!! (Again.. sorry that there isn't a wish from JTK)....
Happy Birthday to you!!!
Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
Happy Birthday to you!!!

love ya!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm Reading

I'm reading another mystery that I picked up at our closing Waldenbooks store for 40% off. They are leaving our mall on the 24th so our town will be without a bookstore :(. A 30 minute trip to Ames will be the closest salvation. I will have to stock up-

My Camera is Loaded.....................

My new camera is finally on the computer now..........I tried to do it, but needed the hubby to get the job done....Couldn't figure out the details........So, a first look at what the new camera can do....

Yes, it is true. Wendell does actually have eyes!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Favorite Pic of Someone Else's Kids

I'd been trying to copy this for awhile and for whatever reason couldn't get it done. This pic off of friend Karen's blog, I absolutely adore of her 2 "kids". Just think it is the cutest of all......

New Candy

My new favorite of the moment is Bliss chocolates with raspberry flavoring...Yummmm

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snow, Blah, Blah, Blah

I'd like to say that there was something exciting going on in my life at the moment, but there's not. We are in the middle of Iowa, in the middle of January, and snow seems to be the only thing there is....Maybe it is just midwinter blahs, I don't know. Maybe, with the all the snow in the last few days, we are just missing the sun, I don't know about that either....All I can say is that it is just another blah of a day in a blah of a week.

OOOH, side note, new Battlestar Galactica on Friday...Something to look forward to--

Friday, January 9, 2009

Books, Etc

Well, I am disappointed to say the least that our Waldenbooks store is closing.........A very small store (maybe that's why), but it will force me to do any serious book shopping in Des Moines or Ames, so much for helping the locals...........The book I just finished

was a fun little read I got from the BFF. Quick and easy and you still got to be part of the story....

At the moment I am reading a book on serial killer Ted Bundy, so you can tell that my tastes go from one end of the spectrum to the other.........Oh well.....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Happy Thought for the Day

The best thing about my day was coming home to find Eli sitting in the window waiting for me. I checked the mail and saw him sitting there, so I talked to him for a minute. Wendell then promptly jumped up beside him and finally Quincy beside Wendell. All 3 of my boys were sitting in the window waiting for me to come in....It was very sweet....Of course I could never get a pic of it- but they were there.....